Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Kitchen Giggle

I love teaching and sharing cooking tips with my young adult children. Their cooking adventures bring me smiles and often out loud laughter. So for all you cooks out there, here’s a little giggle for.

I’ve mentioned my son Greg who attends UT in Austin before. Greg just turned 21 and has lived with three other boys his age for 2 years now. Greg often calls for meal directions and where to find things in the grocery store. One of his roommates loves mint chocolate chip ice cream and Greg found a recipe for mint chocolate chip cookies for him. Greg called and told me the boys decided to make these cookies while watching football on Sunday.

Greg called me on Monday and said the cookies were good but he was surprised how much butter was needed. He thought the batter was too soft.

“How much butter did the recipe ask for? What were the ingredients?” I asked.

“One stick of butter, one egg, sugar cookie mix, mint chocolate chips and regular chocolate chips.” He answered.

Makes sense to me. Then I thought for a minute.

“Greg, did you use a sugar cookie mix or did you use prepared sugar cookie dough?”

“The kind in the tube that is sold by the butter at the store, why?” he wondered.

We both started laughing at the same time as we realized he mixed an egg and stick of butter in refrigerated cookie dough. Greg said they were good and the boys ate them all. Maybe he’s on to something.

My kids and I at my Birthday picnic August 2010.


  1. Kitchen is a wonderful place to tie strings with children, isn't it? I love to be with my teenagers in the kitchen. :)

  2. Haha. That so sounds like something that I would ask my mom. I love being able to call and ask obnoxious questions. But in their defense, it's HARD to be out of the house without a fully stocked fridge :)

  3. I have children of similar ages...and I would be thrilled if any showed one iota of interest in cooking. They do like eating, though! Cute story...glad the results were edible :)


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